The components in the mixture can be separated by:
a. DecantationThe separation of the components in the mixture is poured directly in a way. Decantation can be done to separate a mixture of liquid and solid or liquid with a liquid that does not interfere with each other (suspension).Example: Separation of a mixture of water and sand.
b. Filtration
The separation of the components in a mixture with mneggunakan filter (filters). The result is called the filtrate filtration filtration while the rest are called residues or residues. Filtration can be done to separate mixtures of liquids and solids are not immiscible.Example: Separation of a mixture of water and coffee.
c. Crystallization
The separation of the components in the mixture by crystallizing mixed components by heating and then cooled. Kristalisai can be done to separate mixtures of liquids and solids are mutually soluble.Example: Separation of a mixture of water and salt.
d. Sublimation
The separation of the components in the mixture that is easy to sublimate penyubliman way through heating. Sublimation can be done to separate the mixture components are easily sublimes.Example: Separation of a mixture of dirt in mothballs.
e. Distillation
The separation of the components in the mixture based on differences in boiling point of the mixture components through pemanansan / boiling mixture. Distillation can be done to separate mixtures of liquids and liquids of different boiling points.Example: Separation of a mixture of water and alcohol.
f. Chromatography
The separation of the components in the mixture based on differences in absorption rate in absorbing medium / adsorbent.Example: Separation of a mixture of water and ink.
Mixture is a combination of two or more single substances react with each other and not the individual components still maintain their home properties. The mixture includes:
1. Solution
Ie a homogeneous mixture.
Eg sugar solution, a solution of vinegar, salt solution, and others.
2. Colloidal dispersionsWhich is a mixture that is between homogeneous and hetrogen.For example: milk, smoke, fog, and others.
3. SuspensionThat mixture is heterogeneous.For example, a mixture of water and soap, water, tea, water, coffee, and others.
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